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The role of the Governing Board is to act as a critical friend to the school and to ensure that it carries out its statutory responsibilities.  The Governing Board is responsible for setting the school budget, approving policies, monitoring performance, and along with the Head Teacher, for setting the strategic direction of the school and raising standards of achievement. 

Governors are appointed by the Local Authority and by the Church (Foundation Governors) and can also be members of the local community.  A number of staff and parents are elected onto the Governing Body for a period of four years service, after which time they can stand for re-election.

We currently have a vacancy for the role of a Parent Governor on our Governing board. As a Parent Governor, you will work with the board to ensure it effectively carries out the duties referred to above.  Like all other governors, you will also play a vital role in maintaining effective relationships with school staff, parents/ carers and other stakeholders from the local community. If you are interested in this exciting opportunity please contact the school office to request a candidate form or further information.

Governing Body Members

Authority Governor
  • David Shaw (Chair)

Co-opted Governors
  • Sarah Kingham
  • Tabitha Nyambuya
Staff Governors
  • Samantha Dimbleby (Headteacher)
  • Corey McConnell
Foundation Governors
  • George Hooper
  • Paul Cresswell
Parent Governors
  • Victoria Eele
  • Tim Aldridge
  • George Cook

Please note: Minutes of any Governing Board meetings are available from the school office, upon request.  If you wish to contact a Governor, please contact the school office by emailing and your email will be passed onto the appropriate member of the Governing Body.

Alternatively, you may write to the Governing Board via the school office, marking it for the attention of the Chair of Governors and labelled ‘confidential’. 


Financial Information

The School is required to report the following: