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Using the Library

Mrs White is our amazing librarian who manages our very well-stocked library of over 10,000 books.  With the help of donations from FOWS we are able to regularly renew our stock.

Children from Foundation stage up to Year 2 change their books every week; from Year 3 upwards they can keep them for up to 4 weeks, but should bring them into school on their library day each week.

Younger children borrow one book at a time and are expected to return it before borrowing another.  Children are expected to take responsibility for their library books and to return them on time.  Reminders are sent out if books become very overdue and if they are not returned or are badly damaged, it is school policy to charge for them. You can check our library catalogue, your child’s loans and reserve books using the link below.

Library Management System

You can log on using your child’s library bar code number as their username and password. Children’s bar code numbers are inside their communication books, drafting books or reading journals.

Accelerated Reader

When children have finished the reading schemes, they use the 'Accelerated Reader' programme in order to choose a book suitable for their reading ability. When they have read it they will complete a quiz to check that they have understood it.

Children who use Accelerated Reader (mostly Y2 upwards) can now do their quizzes at home. Please use this link:

Accelerated Reader Quiz

Children login using their first initial and first four letters of their surname as their username and their library number as their password.

Tips for using Accelerated Reader at home

In addition to books from school, many books you have at home may have quizzes available, just type the title of the book into the quiz search box.  Children can also do vocabulary quizzes, and quizzes on the articles available on the Accelerated Reader website. 


We rely on our excellent parent helpers to keep the library running smoothly.  If you can spare some time and would like to become involved, we would be pleased to hear from you.  If you have suggestions for books or have any other questions please also let us know.

Mrs White can be contacted at