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Pupil Leadership

Pupil Leadership Team

The members of our Pupil Leadership Team are elected each academic year by children in their class in a secret ballot. They have an important role to play in seeking the views and opinions from pupils, putting forward improvement ideas and being a voice for pupils on how they want their school to work.

What do they do?

The Pupil Leadership Team meets regularly with staff to discuss issues which are important to children at Winslow CE School, and they then hold class meetings. The Pupils serve the school community, helping to promote our school values, and continuing to let their ‘Light Shine’. Our School Council is led by Mrs Burman.

What qualities do they need to have?

  • They have to model and follow our values at all times.
  • They have to be good listeners.
  • They have to be confident about talking in front of others.


Year 2 Greyson, David, Albie and Beatrice
Year 3 Morgan, Chloe, Darcey and Eloise
Year 4 Jorge, Jovie, Matthew and Maya
Year 5 William, Evelyn, Noah and Chloe
Year 6 Jack, Alfie, Emily and Chloe

Sports Council

The Sports Council at Winslow Church of England School are:

Year 5 Rudi, Caleb, Grace and Ollie
Year 6 Chester, Darlington, Hugo, Bea and Buster

The Sports Council is an important part of school life at Winslow CE School. The children, selected by their peers, help run and organise games for the whole school at playtimes. They help select our sports teams, help organise and run interschool festivals as well as our school games.

As leaders, children develop their leadership skills. They are role models for others, and they learn how best to motivate and encourage small groups of children of all ages.

Reading Ambassadors

At Winslow, our Year 6 Reading Ambassadors support and help to drive Reading forwards. Having successfully applied for the role, our ambassadors work closely with school leaders to support reading projects and also to promote our Reading for Pleasure agenda. They work in our school library and help to share their love of books and reading. Each term we produce a Reading newsletter and the ambassadors have a regular entry. Our reading ambassadors will be announced shortly.

Sybil R               Matilda G

Keira O              Mason W

Chloe P             Grace D


Our Houses

We have four houses and each pupil is a representative of one of the houses.  Our houses are:

Anning (Green)  
Barnado (Blue)  
Parks (Red)  
Wiltshire (Yellow)  

Our school team captains represent each house. Not only do they encourage their team members on Sports Day, but throughout the year they spur them on to collect golden tickets and valuable team points. The winning team each term wears their team colours with pride on one day during the final week.