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School Development Priorities

Our school priorities, for the academic year 2023-2024 are strategically focussed to enable the school to develop and improve in line with our vision and values.

Our School Development Plan (SDP) ensures that our effort and resources are focused and meaningful. The children are at the heart of every decision we make and our distinctive Christian vision of “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16) underpins each decision we make to ensure that our children flourish socially, spiritually and academically; it is the measure of our success across all of the communities we serve.

This document is a constantly evolving, updated and reviewed by Governors and in the monitoring activities undertaken by the Senior Leadership Team and middle leaders across the school.

Whole School Key Priorities 2023-2024

Leadership and Management
  • To ensure robust Safeguarding processes and procedures are further embedded so that safeguarding is effective.
  • To ensure the whole curriculum implementation is coherently planned and sequenced so that it motivates and engages children in their learning.
  • To continue to develop the effectiveness of subject Leaders so that improvements in teaching and learning accelerate pupils’ progress that leads to increased pupil attainment across the curriculum.
Quality of Education
  • To ensure the Little Wandle Phonics programme is embedded consistently so that the children have the skills to read fluently, Ensuring reading provision in KS2 supports all children to read fluently and confidently
  • To improve pupil attainment in Writing at KS1 and KS2, so that the % of pupils meeting ARE and GDS is at least in line with national expectations.
  • To improve pupil attainment in Maths at KS1 and KS2, so that the % of pupils meeting ARE is at least in line with national expectations.
  • To ensure curriculum planning and quality first teaching meets the needs of all pupils, including those with SEND.
  • To develop assessment system for core curriculum and wider curriculum to ensure all teachers are aware of endpoints across the curriculum.
Behaviour and Attitudes
  • To ensure pupil attendance for all groups is at or above the national average.
  • To ensure the behaviour policy is consistently applied including the use of self-regulation strategies, to support positive learning behaviours.
Personal Development
  • Enhance the curriculum so that the pupils have a wide set of rich experiences at all times because of the opportunities the school offers
  • To develop opportunities for outdoor learning to further improve pupil’s personal development and wellbeing.
Distinctive Christian Ethos
  • Establish a shared definition and understanding of spirituality so that staff may plan for spiritual flourishing with increased clarity and confidence.
  • To ensure that acts of worship are more consistently focused on Chr